•Fixed problem where black rectangles would appear under popup menus
•Corrected redraw of dialog windows so that they no longer redraw themselves
when they first appear.
2.01.00 Release Date 8/28/95
Bug fixes:
•Fixed a bug where the popup menus would be messed up if a message came in while
answering mode was on.
•Fixed error -1279 when quitting on systems that were running under Open Transport.
( This error actually made sense. The error is 'call aborted' and it happened when I canceled a system call to listen for an incoming connection. I never got this error back under other systems. ) I also tightened up a few other things for added stability under Open Transport, like a time scaling factor . Server lookups completed much faster and sometimes missed existing servers under OT.
•Fixed a bug where the backgrounds of the custom buttons wouldn't be drawn behind the text.
•Fixed a bug where, if the prefs file got corrupted, Chatter wouldn't use the default icon file.
•The cursor now changes from an I-beam to an arrow when it is over the scroll bar in
the outgoing text box. Thanks to Mike Chase for spotting that one.
New Features:
•Revved the listener to rev 1.0.3
•Added edit menu functionality (cut & paste ) to the Preferences dialog box.
•Added Save Text As to save a conversation as a TeachText file.
•Added animation, version number, and the official Caffeine Productions logo to the About... box.
•Doing a control-search will tell you what machines are logged into your Mac,
provided you have version 7.6.1 or greater of the file sharing extension.
•The menus now turn off and on, so things like cut and paste will be disabled if you
don't have anything to cut/paste from/to.
•The title of the search button will change, depending on what modifier keys you are holding down, so that you can know what pressing it will do.
•Changed the help text font to Monaco 9.
2.00 Release date 5/30/95
•Added color icons that can be sent to the person you are connected to, and implemented customizable icon files that Chatter can read these icons from. Using these icons is a lot more fun than it sounds...
•Added Default Icon file menu item.
•Added net search option to search all zones for chatter users, zones for all AppleTalk entities ( not just Chatter ), and all zones for all AppleTalk entities. Chatter will record up to 400 entities per zone.
•Changed the round trip time in Query to have 1/60 second resolution so that you don't keep getting 0's on fast networks.
•Query is now Idle, which will just return the remote machine's idle time. Option-click Idle to get the old Query functionality. I did this because most of the time, I know everything but the idle time.
•Added balloon help.
•Added Show All Connection info checkbox to the General Preferences prefs dialog, so that if you want to be subjected to seeing your local and remote AppleTalk sockets, you can. Otherwise you just get the connection status ( open, closed, etc. ).
•Windows can now shrink down if you put someone on hold, preventing their text from being seen.
•Separated the Help info from the About... box. Help now has it's own window, and can be accessed from the apple or balloon help menus.
•Added a grow box to the lower right hand corner of the window, making it more evident that the windows are resizeable.
•Changed the pattern on the buttons.
•Expanded the preferences settings. You can now:
Have an answering message longer than 255 characters
Set the amount of time you want to search for other chatter users
Have a Hold message
•Shuffled around the Options menu
•Switched around some menu stuff while implementing balloon help for menus. Decided that Select icon file should be under the file menu and New window shouldn't.
Bug Fixes
•Eliminated full window redraw when a connection was established. (A Mac Classic is useful for detecting these things that are too fast to be seen on other machines )
•Custom cursor icons from other applications should no longer carry over into Chatter. Also, the cursor changes to an I beam in the outgoing text area.
•Improved low memory error handling. If Chatter runs out of memory it will warn you and suggests quitting Chatter. I feel this is a vast improvement over crashing the system. :^).
Fixed a bug where Chatter user names with certain character combinations ( ( try <B, <I ,<U, <O, <S , / and ( ) in them would be drawn differently.
•Upped Chatter's memory size to 500k. This should be more than enough for ordinary usage. If you find you're continually getting memory errors, send me some mail and describe what you're doing when the errors occur.
Listener modifications
•Revved the Listener to 1.02. Fixed a bug where, if you shut down or restarted immediately after quitting chatter ( and the listener was launching ) the listener would be unaware of the restart/shutdown, and would ignore all future requests to do so, making it impossible to restart/shut down the machine.
•Revved listener to 1.01, after eliminating that irritating delay that kept you from doing anything for 2 seconds after Chatter quit.
Looked at the changes from version 1 & decided to make this version 2.
V 1.00.02
Made answering machine message dialog box fully viewable for classic style macs. This was never uploaded to the internet.
v 1.00.01 02/8/1995
Fixed a bug where the default preferences were not getting set properly, resulting in strange font settings and weird machine names the first time Chatter was run. (Keith Salustro, Mike Chase and Rich Helmke reported these symptoms ). I had fixed this, but released the wrong version.
The go away buttons in the Chatter windows now wait until the mouse is released over them before closing the Chatter window. (Thanks to Rich Helmke for spotting this one )
Eliminated the flicker when the buttons are pressed because, 1) it was annoying me and 2) like the previous fixes it was a quick modification that wouldn't require extensive testing to make sure I hadn't broken anything else.